Monday, January 31, 2011

Correction: Superman 3.0 - Nolan to Mentor Yet Another Reboot

I just read this article and a new Superman movie is targeted for release in Dec 2012. As much as I like Chris Nolan's comic-based films, (especially the newest Batman series) I have to wonder when this reboot stuff, in general, will end.
I mean, with Batman, something had to be done. They ended the last series with 2 really crappy movies and kind of ruined Batman in my opinion. Thankfully, Nolan came in and did an amazing job giving Batman back his street cred.

Now back to Superman. I personally thought that the last movie was a good way to revive the series and since Brian Singer is such a HUGE superman fan, he stayed true to the core values that made superman great. And Brandon Routh was a really good choice to play him, too. The new guy is a British actor named Henry Cavill  who, from his head shot looks very rough and grizzled. I'm hoping that they clean him up enough to pass as everyone's favorite clean shaven Kryptonian.

So what do you guys think about a Nolan Superman reboot?


  1. Oh God not another superman movie please

  2. Well, it's so rebooted that I don't even remotely recognize the Superman series. I'm gonna agree with the whole 'silly reboot' thing. I'd say the same for Spiderman, but considering Topher Grace as Eddie Brock...

    ~Randall A.

  3. Yet another Superman movie, just what we needed. At least Nolan should be able to make something good out of it.

  4. I'll be sure to check this out. Thanks for informing!

  5. Didn't a Superman remake just come out a few years ago?

    If so, didn't the Incredible Hulk do the same thing with the two remakes coming out withing 2-3 years of each other?

  6. Ugh. I have never been a huge super man fan, but whatever Nolan touches seems to be golden. I may give Superman one last chance!

    Following you, check out my blog too if you have the time!

  7. I think they should let the franchie die.
    Then again, I wouldn't exactly call myself a fan, so my opinion doesn't have much value.

  8. Supermang!

    Eh, imo reboots are almost always ok unless they're terrible. People usually like to see different interpretations of the source material

  9. @Fightthesky
    - Yes, he seems to be on a hot streak. I think it helps when you are just as good a writer as you are a director.

  10. Man, I hope this is better than the last one. The last one was horrible.

    Same for the Spiderman reboot. I hope they don't screw it up.

    I think it's time for a Tron (1982 version) reboot. That would be awesome if they redid the first one.

  11. i still like every superman movie. but i hope you never played the n64 version of the game xD

  12. I personally didn't care much for the last movie. I though it was decent and sort of liked it, but idk.

    Hopefully the next one will outdo it.

  13. im pretty excited for it, i guess time will tell. following

  14. This does not please me. I have seen only 1 or 2 superman movies, done and doner. They need to just quit while they're not TOO behind.

  15. hahaha, g-raffe clever my man! and does anyone else think movies need to be NEW, not RENEWED?

  16. If they do it right, it could be a great movie. The Superman franchise could use a good blockbuster these days.

  17. They need to give it a new twist like they did with batman

  18. i believe that remakes, reboots and sequels will be the only thing hollywood will be producing for a long while. and i hate it! add books2movie to that list.

  19. I can't believe they are redoing it already. It's not as bad as the spider man reboot though.

  20. Welp, I'm not a big Superman fan, but I'll definitely be interested to see how this works out. I was very impressed by the Batman reboots.

  21. I actually think this is a good move. Superman Returns was a horrible movie, and I actually look forward to Nolan revamping another dead comic franchise. Supported/followed.
